Friday, September 9, 2011

Meet Characters from A Thousand Glass Flowers

Meet Finnian Hero of a Thousand Glass Flowers
Prue's Character... Lalita.. another great interview.
Two incredible interviews with visual imagery courtesy of Richard Armitage. Nothing wrong with drooling is there? Oh, the words are pretty cool too. What terrific characters Prue has created.
The story is already on my MUST read pile, with images of Richard, I mean Finnian fresh in my mind, I have just switched A Thousand Glass Flowers to the top of the pile.

Thanks to Maria Grazia for hosting Prue's character  Finnian and Were, Vamps Romance for the Lalita blog post.


  1. Rosalie, thank you for switching #ATGF to the top of the pile. Finnian will be in your debt forever!

  2. :) Sweet... as long as he remembers that. :)
