Monday, March 5, 2012

March Calamity's Corner is now available for free download online.
Read an excerpt from Canadian suspense author, Joylene Butler, energizing article on what it means to be a writer.

How do you maintain your conviction after collecting
a drawer full of rejections? How do you fill that empty
void inside? How do you rid yourself of the negative
inner voice yellng,
I’m a failure.

How do I keep the faith?
When interviewers ask me that, I jokingly reply that I
was too stubborn to quit. But the truth is, I couldn’t.
Even when I had doubts, and I had plenty, I enjoyed
writing too much. Even when it felt like I had quit, I
was actually writing inside my head.
Believe in yourself.
Believe in your ability, and learn everything you can
about your craft. It may take awhile, but your dream
will come true. Keep the faith. You have nothing to

Reviews of Books and Movies. Travel News. The Galapagos Islands.

Readers are able to participate in Calamity's Corner. Contact Calamity at

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