Saturday, March 19, 2011

Welcome to Barry Simiana...

Barry writes amazing speculative fiction. Won a place in 'Next Stop Hollywood' with his short story Gone to Mum's. A great Australian story. Barry captures the Australian culture and landscape while weaving a captivating story that rings with authenticity and genuine emotion. IMO the most powerful writing example in the anthology!
Love the story Baz!
Now waiting for his next release.. A Touch of Evil.
When not looking after his young family Barry is the fearless leader of Coffs Harbour's Nitewriters, a group of dedicated writers looking to get published.
Welcome to Aussie Authors at Work Barry... hope you are feeling better.


  1. Welcome Barry
    We look forward to making your acquaintance.

  2. Welcome Barry. Congratulations on the publishing of your short story, Gone to Mum's. May we see many more of your successes.
